A downloadable game for Windows

TheTale of Takasu Genbie is a visual novel based off a story that surrounds Bakenekos from Japanese mythology. In this story, you play the character 'Takasu' and you go through your day to day life as you normaly, however you begin to notice something strange about the cats in your life...

 This game was create by a group of 4 people for our five month final project for our games design course in college. We were proposed with the idea that a museum want us to create a game based off non-european mythology that would be placed by an accompanying exhibit in the museum. This game is supposed educate the visitors of the museum where they want to continue looking into the myth later on.

Published 23 days ago
AuthorLouis Fry
GenreVisual Novel


TakeofTakasuGenbei-1.0-win.zip 62 MB

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